First Responders Program

With demanding schedules and workloads, nurses, for example, are under more stress than ever! This work related stress takes a physical and mental toll in every facet of their lives. Among the many impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, its effects on mental health have proved to be widespread and substantial.

An astonishing 63% of nurses, that love their profession, feel they are suffering from burnout. Burnout is a possibility, leading some nurse to have reduced performance or to quite their profession entirely. Especially since the demand for qualified nursing professionals continues to increase.

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first responds
Pandemic Burnout: The Toll of COVID-19 on Health Care Workers Pandemic Burnout: The Toll of COVID-19 on Health Care Workers

The Stressed out Nurse:

With demanding schedules and workloads, nurses are under more stress than ever! This work-related stress takes a physical and metal toll in every facet of their lives. Among the many impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, its effects on mental health have proven to be widespread and substantial. In January 2021, four out of 10 adults in the United States reported symptoms of anxiety or depression disorder – a 400 percent increase from January 2019.

There are many reasons nurses experience burnout regularly in their profession. It includes exposure to viruses, work overload, workplace violence, and numerous other factors. Burnout reduces work and personal happiness/satisfaction, focus, employee safety and various aspects of medical care. In addition, it negatively affects patient safety and coworker morale.

Anxiety Work Overload

Work overload in nursing results from the high patient volume, inadequate staffing, overtime and increased expectations. Unfortunately, it reduces patient safety, medical care and at times increases medical errors. It also stresses nurses to perform at peak levels despite overwhelming and sometimes unachievable expectations to perform at peak levels despite overwhelming and sometimes unachievable expectations.

An astonishing 63% of nurses, that love their profession, feel they are suffering from burn-out. Nursing is a challenging profession, even with adequate staffing and support. However, it’s problematic when nurses receive increasing workloads inadequate staffing, overtime and increased expectations.

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Hospitals need to address this growing concern with their current nursing staff to keep morale high. Healthcare facilities must ensure they provide lots of support to nurses dealing with stress. Otherwise, burnout is a possibility, leading some nurses to have reduced performance or to quit their profession entirely. Especially since the demand for qualified nursing professionals continues to increase.

8 Signs of Burnout

  1. Exhaustion or feeling overwhelmed
  2. Physical symptoms such as chronic headache or fatigue
  3. Anger or irritability
  4. Distancing themselves from their work
  5. Nervousness or feeling uncertain
  6. Low motivation
  7. Sadness
  8. Difficulty concentrating

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