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Wisdom & Wellness: The Numerous Benefits of Geriatric Massage

Aging is a natural and inevitable part of life, bringing with it a unique set of challenges and changes. One therapeutic approach that has gained increasing recognition for its positive

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Pandemic Burnout: The Toll of COVID-19 on Health Care Workers Pandemic Burnout: The Toll of COVID-19 on Health Care Workers

The Stressed out Nurse: With demanding schedules and workloads, nurses are under more stress than ever! This work-related stress takes a physical and metal toll in every facet of their

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New Study Finds Employee Health and Well-being Programs Will Yield 47% Business ROI in 2022

Fostering a healthy workforce isn’t just the right thing to do. It’s good for business Avalere Health, commissioned by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce study determined that employer-sponsored health insurance

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A Friend in Knead in Times of Need

"Massage therapy strengthens the immune system, combats depression, reduces pain and stress hormones." - Dawud Ali, LMT, CEO We are living in a time right now in which there is

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An Entertainers Friend in Knead

Dear Artist “Where the spirit does not work with the hand there is no art.” ~ L. da Vinci We know the flashing lights are not always what they seem.

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Benefits of Human Touch

Are you aware of the healing power of the human touch? There’s a strong connection between physical and mental well-being, and touch. The human touch has a remarkable ability of inducing

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